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Loving yourself

Our goal is to live happy, healthy lives, enjoying our own company. Love dissolves anger. Love releases resentment. Love dissipates fear. Love creates safety. When you can come from a space of totally loving yourself, then everything in your life must flow with...

Daily Progress

Live each day in reverent accord with God’s law. Work for the establishment of one universal law, one freedom, one brotherhood, and communion with one God. Make each day a step upward on the ladder of your realisation of his wisdom and joy. Nirvan Yog Vibha...


To complain is always non acceptable. It carries negative charge. When you complain you make yourself victim. When you speak out you are in power. So change the situation by taking action or by speaking out if necessary. Leave the situation or accept it. Nirvan Yog...


Nirvana is perfection. In the perfect state there is neither subject nor object. There is nothing to see, Nothing to feel, nothing to know. Seeing and knowing are functions of mind. In Nirvana there is nothing but the blissful pure consciousness “I am”....


Mind interprets variety,change and objects. It cannot recognize the formless self. Though SELF alone is stable and real. Give up trying to find it with mind. And remember you must find it, As it is the only companion of yours, which is always with you. Even when...


It is not always easy to do good. But the greatest thing in life is to live in the castle of your own clear conscience, knowing you are pleasing God. He is the only answer; for in God lies the greatest happiness. “By always performing right actions, by taking...